testMatthew CookeMatthew Cooke07:24November 23rd, 2018 test Registration Form The information requested below falls within the General Date Protection Regulations 2018 and therefore we have a legal duty to protect this data - the reason for collecting the information from you is to comply with our legal requirement to 'Uniquely' identify candidates on our courses. Additionally, we may need to contact you quickly to check registration, speed up certification or to make future information about this course available to you. Our policy details are available at www.thetrainingco.co.uk/gdrp. Date* Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY Who is your Tutor?*Matthew CookeSarah KeatingGary CoombesSilvana HoltKevin FisherNina BrookfieldRachel StandringStella HeathcockCarole SteadmanNicola NobleMichelle HillierIan RaeMargaret SherlikerMichelle HeyPaul DoddRuth PenfoldAlan SherlikerJen LathamLynn CloseSarah CloseAndrew CarterDeclan BarryMick BannisterJohn WattersCarl TaylorAndrew LewisWhich Course are you Attending?*Emergency First AidFirst Aid at WorkFirst Aid at Work Re-qualificationPaediatric First AidFirst Aid RefresherMental Health First AidFood Safety (Level 1/2/3/4)Health and Safety (Level 1/2/3/4)CPR Update / Basic Life SupportPrinces's Trust First Aid CoursePrinces's Trust Food Safety CourseManual HandlingHoist / Moving and Handling of PeopleCOSHHOther courseCourse Note:Whilst on this course you will be expected to demonstrate your skills and be in close physical contact with others - if you are pregnant or are unable to complete physical tasks please see your tutor as soon as possible to discuss thingsDo you Work for a Council?*YesNoWhich Council do you work for?*Do not work for a CouncilWigan CouncilBolton CouncilOldham CouncilWarrington CouncilStockport CouncilSalford CouncilTameside CouncilTrafford CouncilWirral CouncilLiverpoolRochdale CouncilSefton CouncilHalton CouncilKnowsley CouncilCourse Aim/ObjectiveCourse Aim/ObjectiveCourse Aim/ObjectiveMr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/ProfFirst Name*Last Name*Date of Birth*Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Month123456789101112Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Home Address*If certificates need to be sent to your home (Depends on the Council Contract)CityPost CodeYour Mobile (or home phone)This number will only be used to contact you regarding your certificate i.e. spelling issues.GDC / Ref NumberWorkplace name*Please do not put Council, as your certificate will get lost, please put the workplace name or department nameWorkplace StreetWorkplace CityWorkplace PostcodeManagers Name*DepartmentSection/TeamOpt in or out of Receiving Communications (PLEASE READ IN FULL)*By clicking the following box you will opt-in/out from receiving e-mail communications from The Training Co. - if you opt-out you will NOT receive confirmation of your course results (Pass or Fail), of the data we hold or any future course information. You will be given other opportunities to opt-out and you can opt-out by contacting the Data Controller at The Training Co. - We will not contact you for any other purpose that regarding the course you have attended.Opt to Receive CommunicationsOpt Out of Receiving CommunicationsEmail Enter Email Confirm Email Leaving your email address will mean you will receive confirmation of your certificate details and the expected delivery date.CAPTCHA Δ Posted byMatthew Cooke 23 November 2018 Uncategorized 0 Share: Related Articles kav-2 cs CF7 Five good reasons to train in First Aid new Publish