CF7Matthew CookeMatthew Cooke09:31December 18th, 2018 CF7 date_range Today's Date (required) —Please choose an option—Emergency First AidFirst Aid at WorkFirst Aid at Work Re-QualificationPaediatric First AidCPR Update/Basic Life SupportFirst Aid RefresherFirst Aid AwarenessFood Safety (Level 1/2/3/4)Health and Safety (Level 1/2/3/4)Princes Trust First Aid CoursePrince's Trust Food Safety CourseManual HandlingHoist/Moving and HandlingCOSHHMental Health First AidIOSH Managing SafelyIOSH Managing Safely RefresherOther school Which Course are you Attending? (required) Whilst on this course you will be expected to demonstrate your First Aid skills, if you are pregnant or are unable to complete physical tasks please see your tutor as soon as possible to discuss - failure to do this now may mean that you may not be given 'Reasonable Adjustments' (if available) and therefore may fail the course if you leave notification of your condition until the activity. The Training Co will not be held liable for any injuries sustained whilst completing the assessment tasks. Today's course in Manual Handling (of inanimate objects) will require an assessment of your ability to correctly handle/move items, therefore if you have a condition that you feel could be agitated or limit your ability to complete the assessment tasks please speak with your tutor now. The Training Co will not be held liable for any injuries sustained whilst completing the assessment tasks. Please select an option (required) I'm OK to continueI've spoken with the tutor The content and discussion on this MHFA course can evoke some emotional upset - if you feel you are unable to complete a session or contribute to a discussion or would prefer to 'opt-out' please inform the tutor. All discussions held during this course must remain confidential. —Please choose an option—Matthew CookeGary CoombesCarole SteadmanRachel HannonNicola NobleVinny StauntonSharon TickleJaime WelshTony HannonChris AndersonCarly WilliamsDaniel HarbordChris MadeleyLiam FairestRachel AndersonKarl HoughLaura JacksonStephen Grundy perm_identity Who is your Tutor? (required) Do you Work for a Council? (required) YesNo —Please choose an option—Bolton CouncilWigan CouncilOldham CouncilWarrington CouncilStockport CouncilWirral CouncilTameside CouncilTrafford CouncilLiverpool CouncilRochdale CouncilSefton CouncilHalton CouncilKnowsley CouncilManchester City CouncilSalford CouncilCheshire East CouncilSandwell CouncilBolsover CouncilOther Which Council do you Work for? (required) description Which Council? Course Aim/Objective It is a legal requirement that anyone within a workplace has access to First Aid, therefore by attending and passing you will be able to meet your employers responsibility and provide the First Aid that the casualty requires. This will be explained further during the course. Also please not the HSE's guidance for first aid at work at Salutation MxMrMissMrsMsDrProf person Your First Name (required) person Your Last Name (required) date_range Date Of Birth (required) home Home Address (required) home City (required) home Postcode (required) phone_iphone Mobile (or Home Phone) - for emergency contact Only GDC / Ref Number work Workplace Name (required) supervisor_account Managers Name (required) By clicking the following box you will opt-in to receive e-mail communications from The Training Co. - if you opt-out (leave the box unchecked) you will NOT receive confirmation of your course results (Pass or Fail); of the data we hold; or any future course information; or a free pdf certificate. You will be given other opportunities to opt-out and you can opt-out by contacting the Data Controller at The Training Co. - We will not contact you for any other purpose than regarding the course you have attended. email Your Email Please only click once (it can take time). Δ Posted byMatthew Cooke 18 December 2018 Uncategorized 0 Share: Related Articles kav-2 kavin First Aid at Work Courses – 1 or 3 Days? Five good reasons to train in First Aid cs neww