550 deaths a year from Fires – so you have equipment and trained staff
330,000 deaths per year from Cardiac Arrest – Do you have a defibrillator?
You may only need it once – but it could save a life!
For every minute a heart fibrillates, the likelihood of full recovery diminishes by 10%
in 5 minutes you have a 50:50 chance
how long will the emergency services take
Don’t put a price on First Aid – have the equipment and train your staff
Zoll is a leading manufacturer of Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) and are their products are the only ones recommended by the British Heart Foundation and they are the NHS’s first choice of machine. When it arrives, it takes 5 minuets to set up (or we can do that on the training session) and does not need any attention of 5 years! And the warranty is for 7 years! The whole unit is set up so all you have to check is a little screen or listen for a beep which indicates a warning of a fault, apart from that it sits and waits until you need to rely on it. And rely on it you can, helping the lay-person from arrival at the scene to an experienced person by jumping to the appropriate command and function – encouraging the First Aider to keep to a regular and sufficient compression speed and depth.
Training is included within the price, but postage, VAT and travel outside Greater Manchester is not.
There is no need for additional training, if you attend one of our First Aid courses you will be shown the device and how it works – Look for the Combined First Aid/AED Package